Product fiche_commission Delegated Regulation(EU) No 392/2012
Supplier’s name or trade mark
LG Electronics
Supplier’s model identifier
Rated capacity in kg of cotton laundry for the standard cotton programme at full load
8 kg
Dryer type
Condenser Household Tumble
Energy efficiency class
Energy consumption “X” kWh per year, based on 160 drying cycles of the standard cotton
programme at full and partial load, and the consumption of the low-power modes. Actual energy
consumption per cycle will depend on how the appliance is used
159.0 kWh/year
Automatic tumble drier
Awarded an "EU Ecolabel" under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010
Energy consumption of the standard cotton programme at full load (Edry)
1.34 kWh
Energy consumption of the standard cotton programme at partial load (Edry1/2)
0.71 kWh
Power consumption of the off-mode for the standard cotton programme at full load (Po)
0.4 W
Power consumption of the left-on mode for the standard cotton programme at full load (Pl)
0.4 W
Duration of the left-on mode (Tl)
10 min
The ‘Cotton
+ Cupboard + Eco ’ used at full and partial load is the standard drying programme to which the information in
the label and the fiche relates, that this programme is suitable for drying normal wet cotton laundry and that it is the most efficient
programme in terms of energy consumption for cotton.
The weighted programme time (T t) of the ‘standard cotton programme at full and partial load'
157 min
The programme time of the ‘standard cotton programme at full load’ (T dry)
211 min
The programme time of the ‘standard cotton programme at partial load’ (T dry1/2)
123 min
Condensation efficiency class ‘X’ on a scale from G (least efficient) to A (most efficient)
Average condensation efficiency C dry of the standard cotton programme at full load
93 %
Average condensation efficiency C dry1/2 of the standard cotton programme at partial load
93 %
The weighted condensation efficiency (Ct) for the ‘standard cotton programme at full and partial
93 %
The sound power level
65 dB(A)
Free Standing