Floor Standing-Type Air Conditioner
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips! Save time and money!
Before you call for service...
Check the following points before requesting repairs or service.... If the fault persists, please contact your
dealer or service center.
Does not operate.
The room has a peculiar
It seems that condensation is
leaking from the air
Air conditioner does not
operate for about 3 minutes
when restarted.
Does not cool effectively.
The air conditioner operation
is noisy.
• Have you made a mistake in timer operation?
• Has the fuse blown or has the circuit breaker been tripped?
• Is the power Switch at Off?
• Is the unit at the starting of Heating Operation?
If yes, Hot-start is activating.
• Is the unit in the Deicing?
If yes, wait for finishing the Deicing.
• Check that this is not a damp smell exuded by the walls, carpet, furniture, or
cloth items in the room.
• Condensation occurs when the airflow from the air conditioner cools the
warm room air.
• This is the Protection device of the air conditioner .
• Wait about three minutes and operation will begin.
• If the airflow begins before its temperature become warm, it will cause an
undesired cooling effect. In order to prevent this, the airflow will not begin
until it is sufficiently warm.
• Is the air filter dirty? See air filter cleaning instructions.
• The room may have been very hot when the room air conditioner was first
turned on. Allow time for it to cool down.
• Has the temperature been set incorrectly?
• Are the indoor unit's air inlet or outlet vents obstructed?
• For a noise that sounds like water flowing.
-This is the sound of freon flowing inside the air conditioner unit.
• For a noise that sounds like the compressed air releasing into atmosphere.
-This is the sound of the dehumidifying water being processed inside the air
conditioning unit.
The outdoor side of this appliance is WATER RESISTANT.
The indoor side is not water resistant and should not be exposed to excess water.