P:C IP Setting
Server Address is set to IP Address.
Can select IPv4 or IPv6 type using 'IP Type'. (Depending on model)
(IP Address)
Set IPv4 or IPv6 address.
(Port Number)
Sets the actual port or number where the Pro:Centric server is running.
Server Address is set to Domain Name.
(Domain Name)
Sets the domain name where the Pro:Centric server is running.
(Port Number)
Sets the actual port or number where the Pro:Centric server is running.
The default value of IP(IPv4) is 0 and the range is between 0 and 255.
The default value of IP(IPv6) is 0 and the range is between 0 and FFFF.
The default value of Port is 0 and the range is between 0 and 65535.
Receive Data
Sets Enable or Disable.
Native EPG
When Pro:Centric Mode is set to 'Off' or 'Configuration Only', 'Native EPG' is forced to be 'Enable' and unable to change.
When set to ‘Enable’, You can use the TV Guide Application in Pro:Centric.