Sound Popping It happens when refrigerant expands - Check the sound of refrigerant at the
- Check the restrainer attached on the
(almost the same at the end of capillary tube.
initial installation.
evaporator and capillary tube weld
as animals crying
- Check the sound when the refrigerator
joints and attach another restrainer.
starts operation after forced defrosting.
- If it is continuous and servere, insert
- Check the restrainer attachment
capillary tube again (depth 15±3mm)
conditions on the evaporator and
- Fasten the capillary tube to suction
capillary tube weld joints.
pipes or detach in the compressor
- Explain the principles of freezing
Water boiling or
It happens when refrigerant passes
- Check the sound when compressor is
- Explain the principles of freezing cycles
flowing sound.
orifice in accumulator internal pipes by
turned on.
and refrigerant flowing phenomenon by
the pressure difference between
- Check the sound when compressor is
internal pressure difference.
condenser and evaporator.
turned off.
- If sound is servere, wrap the
accumulator with foam and restrainer.
Sound of whistle
When door closes, the internal pressure
- Check the sound by opening and
- Broaden the cap of discharge hose for
when door
of the refrigerator decreases sharply
closing the refrigerator or freezer doors.
defrosting in the compressor
below atomosphere and sucks air into
the refrigerator, making the whistle
- Seal the gap with sealant between out
and inner cases of hinge in door.
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