▶ Live View
※ Touch "Live View" to start live view with a ringing sound in the black box. The screen definition of the recording saved
in the black box switches to 4 Mbytes for front and 2 Mbytes for rear.
※ 30 seconds after the live view ends, the screen definition switches back to the standard definition with a ringing
sound. This applies to both parking and normal modes.
1) Touch the screen to display the control menu at the bottom.
2) R : Switch to the rear view (F : Switch to the front view).
3) VOD : Move to the VOD list.
VOD View
1) To play a stored video, select a video and press the Play button.
2) Select a channel to play (front/rear) to start playing.
3) Touch the VOD Play screen to display the control menu at the bottom.
4) When playing a VOD video, you cannot adjust the seek bar using the control menu.
The total time will be displayed as 5 minutes if the video is currently being recorded or ended abnormally.
5) Press the Download button to download the selected video to your smartphone.
Download View
1) It displays videos downloaded to your smartphone. You can play the video in the same way as VOD play.
2) When playing a downloaded video, you can adjust the seek bar using the control menu.
The total time will be displayed based on the actual video duration even for abnormally recorded videos.