Electrical Connections and Mechanical Specs
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LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Four-Way Ceiling Cassette System
Figure 73: Four-Way Ceiling Cas-
sette System (LC097HV, LC127HV,
LC187HV, LC188HV4, and LC247HV
LG single zone four-way ceiling cassette system comprises of a sin-
gle frame outdoor unit connected to a single indoor unit with a single
refrigerant circuit. An LG single zone four-way ceiling cassette is a
DFS system that can operate in either cooling or heating mode. The
system is capable of changing mode within a maximum time of three
(3) minutes to ensure indoor temperature can be properly main-
tained. LG components are manufactured in a facility registered to
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, which is a set of standards applying to en-
vironmental protection set by the International organization for Stan-
dardization (ISO). The system components comply with Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) 1995 Heating and Cooling Equipment Standard
for Safety and bear the Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL) label.
Wiring in these units are in accordance with the national Electrical
Code (NEC). LG single zone four-way ceiling cassette systems have
published performance ratings certified by AHRI (Air-Conditioning,
Heating, and Refrigeration Institute) and are listed in the AHRI Stan-
dard 210/240 certified product directory.
Outdoor Unit
The outdoor units have sound levels not exceeding 54 dB(A) tested
in an anechoic chamber under ISO Standard 3745.
Indoor Unit
The indoor units have sound ratings no higher than 46 dB(A) as
tested per ISO Standard 3745.
Temperature Ranges
9,000 and 12,000 Btu/h Ceiling Cassette Operating Ranges
• Operating ranges for outdoor units of 0°F to +118°F (DB) for cool-
ing (Cooling range can be extended from 0°F down to -4°F using
the Low Ambient Wind Baffle Kit [sold separately]); -4°F to +64°F
(WB) for heating.
• Operating ranges for indoor units of 57°F to 77°F (WB) for cooling;
59°F to 81°F (DB) for heating.
• Indoor unit temperature setting range of 65°F to 86°F (DB) for
cooling; 61°F to 86°F (WB) for heating.
18,000, 24,000, 36,000, and 42,000 Btu/h Ceiling Cassette
Operating Ranges
• Operating ranges for outdoor units of 5°F to +118°F (DB) for cool-
ing; 0°F to +64°F (WB) for heating.
• Operating ranges for indoor units of 57°F to 77°F (WB) for cooling;
59°F to 81°F (DB) for heating.
• Indoor unit temperature setting range of 65°F to 86°F (DB) for
cooling; 61°F to 86°F (WB) for heating.
Casing / Frame
Outdoor Unit
The outdoor condensing unit case is constructed from pre-coated
metal (PCM) that has been tested in accordance with ASTM B-117
salt spray procedure for a
minimum of 1,000 hours.
Case has a removable panel
to allow access to major
internal components, and
legs to secure the unit during
Indoor Unit
The indoor unit case is con-
structed of a galvanized steel
plate designed to recess in
the ceiling, and has a surface
mounted concentric grille on
the bottom of the unit. Unit
has four supply air outlets
and one return air inlet. The
supply air outlet has four-
directional slot diffusers, each
equipped with an independent
oscillating motorized guide
vane to change airflow direc-
tion. A guide vane algorithm sequentially changes the predominant
discharge airflow direction in counterclockwise pattern, or can be
used to lock each guide vane independently in a field-adjusted fixed
position. The four vanes can be individually adjusted from the wired
remote controller to customize the airflow pattern for the conditioned
space. A setting in the cooling and heating modes can cycle the
vanes up and down for uniform / random air distribution.
A required architectural grille is sold as a separate required acces-
sory. The four-way grille is off-white acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS) polymeric resin with a tapered trim edge.
Refrigerant System
The system is designed for use with R410A refrigerant, and con-
sists of a single refrigeration circuit. The refrigeration circuit is
pressure-tested at the factory and shipped with a holding charge
of helium gas. The outdoor unit is provided with factory installed
components, including a refrigerant strainer, accumulator, four-way
reversing valve, electronic expansion valve (EEV), high and low side
charging ports, service valves, and interconnecting piping. All refrig-
erant lines from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit are field-installed
and must be insulated separately.
The outdoor unit is equipped with one hermetically sealed, digitally
controlled, inverter-driven twin rotary compressor to modulate capac-
ity (variable from 20 to 100 Hz, modulate in 1 Hz increments). Teflon
coated bearings, overcurrent protection and vibration isolation are
integrated with the compressor.