Scan of Channels.
The procedure by which a mobile station examines the signal strength of each forward
analog control channel.
Synchronized Capsule Indicator bit.
Search Window.
The range of PN sequence offsets that a mobile station searches for a pilot.
Secondary CDMA Channel.
A CDMA Channel at a preassigned frequency assignment used by the mobile
station for initial acquisition. See also Primary CDMA Channel.
Secondary Traffic
. An additional traffic stream that can be carried between the mobile station and the base
station on the Traffic Channel. See also Primary Traffic and Signaling Traffic.
Seizure Precursor.
The initial digital sequence transmitted by a mobile station to a base station on a reverse
analog control channel.
Seizure Option.
A service capability of the system. Service options may be applications such as voice, data, or
Shard Secret Data (SSD).
A 128-bit pattern stored in the mobile station (in semi-permanent memory) and
known by the base station. SSD is a concatenation of two 64-bit subsets: SSD_A, which is used to support the
authentication procedures and SSD_B, which serves as one of the inputs to the process generating the
encryption mask and private long code.
Short Message Services (SMS).
A suite of services which include SMS Text Delivery, Digital Paging (i.e., Call
Back Number – CBN), and Voice Mail Notification (VMN).
. See System Identification.
Signaling Tone.
A 10kHz tone transmitted by a mobile station on an analog voice channel to: 1) confirm orders,
2)signal flash requests, and 3) signal release requests.
Signal Traffic.
Control message that are carried between the mobile station and base station on the Traffic
Channel. See also Primary Traffic and Secondary Traffic.
Slot Cycle
. A periodic interval at which a mobile station operating in the slotted monitors the Paging Channel.
Slotted Mode.
An operation mode of the mobile station in which the mobile station monitors only selected slots
on the Paging Channel when in the Mobile Station Idle State.
Soft Handoff
. A handoff occurring while the mobile station is in the Mobile Station Control on the Traffic
Channel State. This handoff is characterized by commencing communications with a new base station on the
same CDMA frequency assignment before terminating communications with the old base station. See also Hard
. Start-of-Message Bit.
Symbols per second.
- An identification of certain characteristics of a mobile station. Classes are defined in Table 2.3.3-1.
Status Information. The following status information is used to describe mobile station operation when using the
analog system.
Serving-System Status. Indicates whether a mobile station is turned to channels associated with System A
or System B.
LG Electronics Inc.
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