Deinterleavering is performed on reveived symbols prior to decoding.
Digital Color Code(DCC).
A digital signal transmitted by a base station on a forward analog control channel
that is used to detect capture of a base station by an interfering mobile station.
. A frame in which primary traffic is multiplexed with either secondary traffic or signaling
Discontinuous Transmission (DTX)
. A mode of operation in which a mobile station transmitter
autonomously switches between two transmitter power levels while the mobile station is in the conversation
state on an analog voice channel.
Distance-Based Registration
. An autonomous registration method in which the mobile station registers
whenever it enters a cell whose distance from the cell in which the mobile station last registered exceeds a given
See Dual Tone Multifrequency.
Dual-Tone Multifrequency(DTMF).
Signaling by the simultaneous transmission of two tones, one from a
group of low frequencies and another from a group of high frequencies. Each group of frequecies consists of
four frequencies.
The energy of an information bit.
The ratio in (dB) between the pilot energy accumulated over one PN chip period(Ec) to the power
spectral density in the received bandwidth(Io).
Effective Radiated Power (ERP).
The transmitted power multiplied by the antenna gain referenced to a half
wave dipole.
Electronic Serial Number(ESN)
. A 32-bit number assigned by the mobile station manufacturer, uniquely
identifying the mobile station equipment.
Encoder Tail Bits
. A fixed sequence of bits added to the end of a block of data to reset the convolutional
encoder to a known state.
See Effective Radiated Power.
See Electronic Serial Number.
Extended Protocol
. An optional expansion of the signaling message between the base station and mobile
station to allow for the addition of new system features and operational capabilities.
Fade Timer.
A timer kept by the mobile station as a measure of Forward Traffic Channel continuity. If the Fade
timer expires, the mobile station drops the call.
An indication sent on an analog voice channel or CDMA Traffic Channel indicating that the user
Directed the mobile station to invoke special processing.
Foreign NID Roamer
. A mobile station operating in the same system (SID) but a different network (NID)Form
the one in which service was subscribed. See also Foreign SID Roamer and Roamer.
Foreign SID Roamer
. A mobile station operating in a system (SID) other than the one from which service was
subscribed. See also Foreign NID Roamer and Roamer.
Forward Analog Control Channel (FOCC).
An analog voice channel used from a base station to a mobile
LG Electronics Inc.
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