2. Delivery report:
Allows you to determine
whether to request a delivery confirmation
mail to a recipient, and whether to allow
sending a delivery confirmation mail to a
Request report:
Determines whether to
request a delivery confirmation mail for a
Multimedia message.
Allow report:
Determines whether to
allow sending a delivery confirmation mail
for a delivery confirmation mail request.
3. Read reply:
Allows you to determine
whether to request a read confirmation
mail to a recipient, and whether to allow
sending a read confirmation mail to a
Request reply:
Determines whether to
request a read confirmation mail for a
Multimedia message.
Allow reply:
Determines whether to allow
sending a read confirmation mail for a
read confirmation mail request.
4. Priority:
You can select the priority level
of the messages (Low, Normal and High).
5. Validity period:
Allows you to configure
the term of validity for a message when
transmitting a multimedia message. The
message would be saved in the multimedia
message server only for the configured
6. Slide duration:
Allows you to configure
the duration of each page when writing a
7. Delivery time:
Configures the delivery
time of message to the recipient. The
Multimedia message centre will deliver the
message after the delivery time.
8. Multimedia msg. centre:
Allows you to
configure network information such as the
MMSC and the WAP gateway, to send a
multimedia message.
Using the left soft key [Options], you can
activate, add or delete a profile. A profile
name selected by a checkmark is the
currently configured value. You can view
and edit the contents of the profile in edit
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