al functions
2. Enter the whole word before editing or deleting
any keystrokes.
3. Complete each word with a space by pressing the
key. To delete letters, press
. Press and
hold down
to erase entire words.
To exit from the text input mode without saving your
input, press
. The phone goes back to standby
Using the ABC mode
Use the
keys to enter your text.
1. Press the key labeled with the required letter:
Once for the first letter
Twice for the second letter.
And so on.
2. To insert a space, press the
key once.
To delete letters, press the
key. Press and
hold down the
key to clear the whole display.
Refer to the table below for more information on the
characters available using the alphanumeric keys.
Using the 123 (Number) mode
The 123 mode enables you to enter numbers in a
text message (a telephone number, for example).
Press the keys corresponding to the required digits
before manually switching back to the appropriate
text entry mode.
Characters in the order display
Upper Case
Lower Case
. , / ? ! - : ' " 1
. , / ? ! - : ' " 1
A B C 2
a b c 2
D E F 3
d e f 3
G H I 4
g h i 4
J K L 5
j k l 5
M N O 6
m n o 6
P Q R S 7
p q r s 7
T U V 8
t u v 8
W X Y Z 9
w x y z 9
Space 0
Space 0
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