July 2010 LCD TV
Inverter LED Driver Information
Inverter LED Driver Information
Example of
LED Block
The Inverters deliver
grounding pulses (Drive
Signals) to each of the 216
LED Blocks. This
accomplishes Global
Dimming and Local
Dimming. Each output is
labeled Vxx. Grounding
each block is accomplished
by the 15 switching
components, 10 on Inverter
(Main) U3~U11 and U13
and 5 on Inverter
(Secondary) U2~U5 and
Inverter (Main) has 4
Connectors CN2~CN5 that
connect to Extensions
boards. The Left hand
Extension board (rear view)
connects to CN2 and CN3
and the Center Extension
board connects to
CN4 and CN5.
CN2 13V Line Pins
9~10, 11~12,
21~22, 31~32
Example: U5
Voltage Supplies from Inverter (Main)
To Extension Boards Left and Center
CN3 13V Line Pins
1~2, 11~12, 21~22,
31~32, 41~42
Inverter (Secondary) has
2 Connectors
CN104~CN105 that
connect to the right hand
Extension board
(rear view).
Each Extension board
has 9 connections to the
Backlight LEDs.
CN4 13V Line Pins
11~12, 21~22, 31~32,
CN5 13V Line Pins
9~10, 19~20, 29~30,
39~40, 49~50
Note: Some of the Vxx numbers are repeated on the Silk Screen between
Inverter (Main) and Inverter (Secondary).
But there are a total of 216 (V1 through V216).
Voltage Supplies from
Inverter (Secondary)
To Extension Board Right
CN104 13V Line Pins
19~20, 29~30, 39~40,
CN105 13V Line Pins
1~2, 11~12,
21~22,31~32, 41~42