(Only for Selected External Micom Models)
ñ_mQ>© S>m`¾mo{gg \§$ŠeZ
(Ho$db MwqZXm EŠgQZ©b _m`H m°_ _m°S>b Ho$ {bE)
4. Do not take away the telephone while data is
being transmitted.
During the data transmission for smart
diagnosis, wait with the telephone placed near
the speaker hole at the top right side. The
remaining time for data transmission is
displayed on the display screen.
4. ñ_mQ>© S>m`¾mo{gg Ho$ {bE S>oQ>m àgmaU Ho$ Xm¡amZ, ghr {d{Y
na dº$m ñnrH$a hmob {ZH$Q> aIm Q>obr\$moZ Ho$ gmW àVrjm H$a| &
S>oQ>m g§MaU Ho$ {bE eof g_` {S>ñßbo ñH«$sZ na àX{e©V hmoVm
5. After the completion of the data transmission,
listen to the explanation of the consultant about
the result of the smart diagnosis.
When the data transmission is completed, along
with the display of the data transmission
completion, the refrigerator will be automatically
turned off and on a few seconds later. Listen to
the explanation of the consultant about the result
of the analyzed diagnosis and follow the
5. S>oQ>m g§MaU nyam hmo J`m h¡, S>oQ>m Q´>mÝg{_eZ nyam hmoZo Ho$
{S>ñßbo Ho$ gmW-gmW, {\«$µO ñdMm{bV ê$n go ~§X H$a {X`m
Am¡a ~mX _| Hw$N> hr goH§$S> na ~§X hmoJm& {dûcofU {H$`m {ZXmZ Ho$
n[aUm_ Ho$ ~mao _| gbmhH$ma Ho$ {bE gwZmo Am¡a {ZX}em| H$m nmbZ
H$a| &
The transmission sound may be irritating.
Do not take away the telephone until the
sound stops for good diagnosis.
Q´>mÝg{_eZ Üd{Z naoemZ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ & Üd{Z AÀN>m
S>m`¾mo{gg Ho$ {bE ~§X hmo OmVm h¡ O~ VH$ Q>obr\$moZ Xÿa Zht
boVo &
Be aware! /
Difference of the regional call qualities may have influence on the function.
If you use home phone, better communication performance will enable much better service.
Smart diagnosis data transmission may not be fluent due to call quality problem, and in such case,
smart diagnosis service may be difficult.
µOmJ«wH$ !
ñ_mQ>© S>m`¾mo{gg \§$ŠeZ bmoH$b ZoQ>dH©$ JwUdÎmm Ho$ n[aUm_ na Adbå~Z h¡ &
Amn Ka \$moZ H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢, ~ohVa godm gj_ hmo OmEJr &
H$m°b ¹$m{bQ>r Ho$ H$maU ñ_mQ>© S>m`¾mo{gg \§$ŠeZ H$_ j_Vm go H$m_ H$a gH$Vm h¡ &