(Only for Selected External Micom Models)
Smart diagnosis function is...
Use the function to contact the service center and receive precise diagnosis when the refrigerator
malfunctions or fails. Use it only to connect to the consultant and do not use it in normal times.
godm Ho$ÝÐ go g§nH©$ H$a| Am¡a gQ>rH$ {ZXmZ àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE Bg \§$ŠeZ H$m Cn`moJ H$ao & O~ ao{\«$OaoQ>a Iam~ hmo `m {d\$b ahVm h¡
Ho$db gbmhH$ma go g§nH©$ H$aZo Ho$ {bE BgH$m BñVo_mb H$aVo h¢ & Am¡a gm_mÝ` g_` _| BgH$m BñVo_mb Zht H$aVo &
How to use the function /
\§$ŠeZ H$m Cn`moJ H¡$go H$a|
1. Close all refrigerator doors, and press and
hold display lock button to make it locked state.
If the display is already in locked state, press and
hold lock button to reset the lock and press and
hold the lock button again to make it locked
1. ao{\«$OaoQ>a Ho$ g^r XadmOmE± ~§X H$ao Am¡a bm°H$ ~Q>Z H$mo
X~mE± AJa nhbogo hr bm°H$ h¡, bm°H$ ~Q>Z H$mo aogoV H$aZo Ho$ {bE
bm°H$ ~Q>Z X~mE± Am¡a hmoëS> H$ao Am¡a dm{ng bm°H$ H$aZo Ho$ {bE
àog H$ao &
2. Press and hold fridge temperature button for 3
seconds or longer. (All display screens will be
turned off, and in a while, 3 will be displayed on
the fridge temperature display part.)
2. 3 goH§$S> go µÁ`mXm ao{\«$Oao`Va Vmn_Z ~Q>Z àog H$ao (gmao
{S>ñßbo Am°\$ hmo Om`|Jo) &
3. Open all refrigerator compartment and
freezer compartment doors, and place the
telephone near the speaker hole at the top right
Check if the speaking side(microphone) of the
telephone is toward the speaker hole.
3. gmao XadmOo Imob| Am¡a \$moZ H$mo {ZH$Q> hmoëS> H$a|, \$moZ H$m
_mBH«$mo\$moZ Am¡a {\«$µO H$m ñnrH$a hmob {ZH$Q> aIo &
If it passes 5 minutes in locked state, smart
diagnosis function will not be activated, so be
AJa 5 {_{ZQ> nmg hmo J`m ñ_mQ>© S>m`¾mo{gg H$m_ Zhr
H$aoJm &
ñ_mQ>© S>m`¾mo{gg \§$ŠeZ
(Ho$db MwqZXm EŠgQZ©b _m`H m°_ _m°S>b Ho$ {bE)
ñ_mQ>© S>m`¾mo{gg \§$ŠeZ...
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