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LGE Internal Use Only
Copyright © 2009 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
3. Technical brief
3.7.3. EDGE/GPRS/GSM RF block
The EDGE/GPRS/GSM transceiver use a digital interface that is shared between receive and
transmit data. The receive interface is based on I and Q data and the transmitter interface is based
on envelop and frequency data. The quad band EDGE/GSM/GPRS transceiver has the following
general features:
Power class
GMSK low bands: Class 4 (33 dBm)
GMSK high bands: Class 1 (30 dBm)
8PSK low bands: Class E2 (27 dBm)
8PSK high bands: Class E2 (26 dBm)
Multi slot class 12 (4+4=5)
Dual Transfer Mode (DTM) class 9 (3+2=5)
Zero-IF receiver
. Polar modulation transmitter
Figure 3-7-7. GSM Transceiver Architecture