LG GD335
| User Guide
Adding your quick menu
The Quick menu provides easy
access to your most used functions.
You can add your favorite menu to
the list of Quick menu.
The Quran mobile application is
comprised of complete holy Quran
(Surah, Ayah, and Juz) in 9 languages.
User need to choose a language
according to his choice. Application
provides many options to user, such
as language change, Search, Go to,
Bookmarks, Setting, Help. User can
also enjoy Quran karaoke on selecting
Arabic language.
User can play the application
continuously by selecting play
option and application will be played
continuously till whole Quran is played.
- For changing
application’s language, we have
to choose translation option then
on selecting desired language,
application’s detailed text will be
displayed in the selected language.
The default language of application
is Arabic.
- This application provides
a feature to search a particular
Surah or Ayah. To search a
particular Surah or Ayah, user
has to select search option and
then select Surah or Ayah which
he wants to search in the entire
Go to
- When user enters any
number in Surah, Ayah or Juz
and select “Go” button it will be
redirected to the Quran Reader
screen with the specific Surah
/Ayah / Juz.
- A list of your
Bookmarks will appear on the
- Allow you to change
Themes, Save last position, or
- Help you to understand the
application and how to read quran
and other features provided in it.