Incoming call settings
Auto reply to block calls
– Set how to you want to automaticlly reply to silenced
Allow repeated calls
– Checkmark to allow a call that is repeated within 3 minutes.
Allowed contact lists
– Designate which contacts calls will be allowed.
– Display Quiet mode setting information.
< Ringtone >
Set the ringtone for calls. You can also add a ringtone by tapping
at the top right
corner of the screen.
< Notification sound >
Set the notification sound. You can also add a notification sound by tapping at the
top right corner of the screen.
< Ringtone with vibration >
Checkmark to set the phone to vibrate in addition to the ringtone when you receive
< Vibration type >
Set the vibration type.
< Vibrate on tap >
Checkmark to vibrate when tapping the Home touch buttons and during other UI
< Sound effects >
Tap to set the dial pad touch tones, touch sounds, and screen lock sound.
Dial pad touch tones
– Checkmark to play tones while using dial pad.
Touch sounds
– Checkmark to play sound when making screen selection.
Screen lock sound
– Checkmark to play sound when locking and unlocking the