This section describes how to install your DVD-ROM drive into your computer.
If you are not comfortable about opening your PC and attempting the DVD-ROM
drive installation, many local computer shops can perform this service for a
reasonable cost.
This installation assumes you have a PC with an available connector on an IDE
interface cable. If your PC has an IDE hard drive, there is usually an available connector
in the middle of the same cable that attaches from the motherboard (or controller card)
IDE connector to the hard drive. Some PC’s have 2 IDE ports on the motherboard or
controller card, and you may need to purchase on IDE cable to use an unused IDE port.
If you do not have an available IDE connector or IDE port, you may need to purchase
an IDE controller card to install this DVD-ROM drive. Inspecting and knowing your PC
system will make your installation easier and less time consuming.
A final note before installation: The cable connecting to your floppy disk drive is not an
IDE cable. Do not attempt to attach the DVD-ROM drive to this cable.
If the DVD-ROM drive is to be connected to the same cable as the hard drive, be sure
that the hard drive is set as master. Hard drives can be set as single, master, or slave.
Check your hard drive owner’s manual or contact the hard drive manufacturer for
correct jumper settings.
* You will see three pairs of pins and a jumper (cap) at the back of the DVD-ROM drive.
This jumper is used to set the DVD-ROM Drive as a CSEL, MASTER, or SLAVE device
in your PC. Examples of how the jumper can be placed are shown in Figure 3 below.
* Move the jumper (clip on one pair of pins) from its default factory position (SLAVE) to
CSEL or MASTER as needed (see the following description for the setup that matches
your system), using the above diagram to place the jumper.
To protect the DVD-ROM Drive, your computer, and peripheral devices from damage,
turn off their power before installing the drive.
(rear of DVD - ROM drive)
Note : The jumper is always
placed vertically,
Figure 3. Setting MASTER / SLAVE Jumper