24 | ProduCT dATA
Art Cool Premier W
all Mounted Engineering Manual
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
The software is available in a high version with all of the features listed above.
The low version has all features as the high version without Target High Pres-
sure and Target Low Pressure values shown on main screen.
In lieu of connecting to the oDU, user has the option to connect to IDU with the
use of a USB to RS-485 connector kit. When connected through IDU, user will
not be able to record data.
This software can be used to both commission new systems and troubleshoot
existing systems. LGMV data can be recorded to a “.CSV” file and emailed to
an LG representative to assist with diagnostic evaluations.
recommended Minimum Pc configuration:
CPU: Pentium
IV 1.6 GHz
operating System: Windows
Main Memory: 256 MB
Hard Disk: 600 MB when
Web Browser: Internet
LG Monitoring View (LGMV) diagnostic Software and cable - continued
Figure 4: MV Diagnostic Screen - High Version