LG 38CL900G Owner'S Manual Download Page 5



Precautions in Using/Cleaning the Product


Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the product yourself.



If dropped, the product may be damaged or cause an injury.


Use the product in a clean, dust-free environment. 



Otherwise, the system may not function properly.


Do not place any objects within 15 inches of the product.



Lack of ventilation may overheat the product from inside and put users at risk of burn injuries.


Do not store or use the product near a magnetic object (i.e. a bag with a magnetic object, a diary, a wallet, a 
memo board, high-powered speakers, a bracelet, or etc.).



Otherwise, the storage device (SSD) and the system may be damaged, and the system may fail to operate 


Operate the product where there is no electromagnetic interference.



Keep a proper distance between the product and electronic appliances such as radios or speakers that 
generate strong magnetic fields.



Otherwise, data may be lost from the storage device (SSD) or the LCD color may be damaged.


Do not connect a key-phone line to a wired LAN port.



A fire may occur or the product may get damaged.


If the LCD screen is damaged, do not touch LCD with your hands. 



Contact the service center as it may cause an injury.


Do not impose excessive force on the LCD screen or drop it.



You may break the LCD glass panel.


When handling product parts, follow the instructions in the manual.



Otherwise, the product may get damaged.


Install a vaccine program on your product and do not download illegal programs nor access any corruptive 
web site such as those pushing pornographic contents.



The system may be infected and impaired.


Do not insert devices other than designated ones in the ports.



Otherwise, the product may get damaged.


Please use parts certified by LG Electronics, Inc.



Otherwise, a fire or product damage may occur.


Handle devices and parts of the product with care.



The product may get damaged.


Do not drop any part or device of the product while disassembling it.



If dropped, it may be damaged and cause an injury.


Dispose of the desiccating agent and plastic wrap properly.



The desiccating agent and plastic wrap may cause suffocation.


Do not use the product in damp places like a laundry room or bathroom.



Moisture may cause a glitch or electric shock.


Clean the product with a proper agent and dry it completely before using it again. 



If the product is wet while used, an electric shock or fire may occur.


Do not play PC games excessively.



Playing a PC game for an extended period of time may cause a mental disorder. It may also inflict physical 
impairments on the elderly and children.

Summary of Contents for 38CL900G

Page 1: ...nual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference www lg com PrintedinKorea Copyright 2019LGElectronicsInc AllRightsReserved Owner s Manual LG UltraWide ALL IN ONE 38CL900G MFL69200833 1910 REV00 ...

Page 2: ... TheBluetooth wordmarkandlogosareregisteredtrademarks ownedbyBluetoothSIG Inc andanyuseofsuchmarksbyLG ElectronicsInc isunderlicense Othertrademarksandtrade namesarethoseoftheirrespectiveowners USBType C andUSB C aretrademarksofUSBImplementersForum TABLE OF CONTENTS LICENSE 2 IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS 3 OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE NOTICE INFORMATION 7 BEFORE READINGTHE OWNER S MANUAL 7 IMPORTANT NOTES ON INS...

Page 3: ...tricshock BesuretousepowercordsandACadaptersprovidedorapprovedbyLGElectronics Inc Theuseofnon approvedproductsmaycauseafireorelectricshock Whenunpluggingthepowercord alwayspullitbytheplug Donotbendthepowercordwithexcessive force Thepowerlinecanbedamaged whichmaycauseelectricshockorfire Becarefulnottosteporplaceheavyobjects electronicappliances clothing etc onthepowercordorAC adapter Becarefulnotto...

Page 4: ...hichitisconnectedandthattheoutletis easilyaccessible Besuretokeeptheoutlet ACadapter andpinsofthepowerplugcleanfromdustandetc Thismaycauseafire Donotunplugthepowercordwhiletheproductisinuse Electricalshockcandamagetheproduct AslongasthisunitisconnectedtotheACwalloutlet itisnotdisconnectedfromtheACpowersourceevenif theunitisturnedoff Whenlightningflashesinyourarea disconnectthepower wiredLANandothe...

Page 5: ...ntacttheservicecenterasitmaycauseaninjury DonotimposeexcessiveforceontheLCDscreenordropit YoumaybreaktheLCDglasspanel Whenhandlingproductparts followtheinstructionsinthemanual Otherwise theproductmaygetdamaged Installavaccineprogramonyourproductanddonotdownloadillegalprogramsnoraccessanycorruptive websitesuchasthosepushingpornographiccontents Thesystemmaybeinfectedandimpaired Donotinsertdevicesoth...

Page 6: ...dletheproductwithcaretopreventlossofdatafromthestoragedevice SSD Sincethestoragedeviceisfragile youneedtobackupyourimportantdatafrequently Themanufacturerisnotresponsibleforanystoragedevicedatalosscausedbyauser smistake Damagetothestoragedevice SSD anddatalossmayoccurwhen Externalshocksareinflictedontheproductwhiledisassemblingorinstallingit Theproductisreset i e restarted orturnedonagainafterapow...

Page 7: ...ation repackitinitsoriginalmaterial OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE NOTICE INFORMATION ToobtainthesourcecodeunderGPL LGPL MPL andotheropensourcelicenses thatiscontainedinthis product pleasevisithttp opensource lge com Inadditiontothesourcecode allreferredlicenseterms warrantydisclaimersandcopyrightnoticesare availablefordownload LGElectronicswillalsoprovideopensourcecodetoyouonCD ROMforachargecoveringthecost...

Page 8: ...stallingWindows refertothemanualorguideprovidedwithWindows 1 2 3 InstallWindows InstallDrivers Update Windows CompleteInstalling Windows ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING CAUTION AlwaysusegenuineLGcomponentstoensuresafetyandproductperformance Theproductwarrantywillnotcoverdamageorinjurycausedbytheuseofunauthorizedcomponents Itisrecommendedthatusethesuppliedcomponents IfyouusegenericcablesnotcertifiedbyLG t...

Page 9: ...egion Windows10isautomaticallyupdated whichisalwaysenabled ISPfeesmayapply Additionalstorageand orhardwarerequirementsmayapplyovertimeforupdates Seehttps www microsoft com en gb windows windows 10 specificationsformoredetails Supported Drivers and Software YoucandownloadandinstallthelatestversionfromtheLGEwebsite www lg com Drivers and Software Installation Priority Monitor Driver Recommended OnSc...

Page 10: ...normovingitleft right up downwithyourfinger Basic Functions Power on Pressthejoystickbuttononcewithyourfingerto turnonthemonitor Power off Pressandholdthejoystickbuttononcemore than5secondswithyourfingertoturnoffthe monitor Volume control Youcancontrolthevolumebymovingthe joystickbuttonleft right NOTE Thejoystickbuttonislocatedatthebottomofthemonitor ...

Page 11: ...onotusetheAC DCadapterwhenitisinanexcessivelybentposition IftheAC DCadaptercableisusedforlongperiodswhilebent itcouldcauseinternalwiringtobecome severedandcauseelectricalshocksorstartafire NOTE Monitorenterssleepmodewhennoinputsignalisdetectedwithin2minutes WhenthePCpowersoffinWindowsMode theMonitordoesnotenterpoweroffmodeautomatically User canpoweroffMonitorusingtheJoystick ...

Page 12: ... USB3 11 2 Webcamactivitystatusindicator 5 Multi cardslot 8 USB C Monitor 12 HeadphonePort 4 poleearmicrophoneport3 3 Webcam 6 SecurityKeyHole KensingtonLock 9 USB C Port2 USB3 11 13 LANPort 10 USBPort USB3 11 14 DC INPort 1 DevicesthatarenotUSB3 1certifiedwillnotworkproperlywithUSB3 1ports 2 TheUSB C portworksasaUSB3 1port 3 The4 poleearmicrophoneportsupportsthe4 polestandardoftheUS however theEu...

Page 13: ...outopreventitfrombeingscratched Whentransportingthemonitor donotexposethemonitortoshockorexcessivevibration Whenmovingthemonitor keepituprightandneverturnthemonitoronitssideortiltitsideways CAUTION Avoidtouchingthemonitorscreenasmuchaspossible Thismayresultindamagetothescreenorsomeofthepixelsusedtocreateimages Installing on theWall Installthemonitoratleast100mm 3 9inches awayfromthewallandleaveabo...

Page 14: ...ngth itmaydamagetheinsideoftheproduct Formoreinformation pleaserefertotheusermanualforthewallmountingbracket Becarefulnottoapplytoomuchforcewhilemountingthewallmountplateasitmaycausedamagetothe screen CAUTION Unplugthepowercordbeforemovingorinstallingthemonitortoavoidelectricshock Installingthemonitorontheceilingoronaslantedwallmayresultinthemonitorfallingoff whichcould leadtoinjury Useanauthorize...

Page 15: ...ion Donotdisplayastillimageonthescreenforaprolongedtime Thismaycauseimageretention UseaPC screensaverifpossible Whenconnectingthepowercordtotheoutlet useagrounded 3 hole powerstriporagroundedpower outlet Themonitormayflickerwhenturnedoninanareawherethetemperatureislow Thisisnormal Sometimesred green orbluespotsmayappearonthescreen Thisisnormal Connecting to a PC Thismonitorsupportsthe PlugandPlayf...

Page 16: ...ideoandaudiosignalsfromyourPCtothemonitor NOTE DPAlternateMode DPoverUSB C aresupportedviaUSB CPort Featuresmaynotworkproperlydependingontheconnecteddevice sspecificationsandtheenvironment ConnectAdaptertosupplypowertotheMonitor Connecting AV Devices HDMI Connection HDMItransmitsdigitalvideoandaudiosignalsfromyourAVdevicetothemonitor NOTE ConnectingyourPCtothemonitorusingtheHDMIcablemaycausedevice...

Page 17: ...eripheraldevicesaresoldseparately Akeyboard mouse orUSBdevicecanbeconnectedtotheUSBport Thechargingspeedmayvarydependingonthedevice Connecting Headphones Connectperipheralstothemonitorviatheheadphonesport NOTE Peripheraldevicesaresoldseparately DependingontheaudiosettingsofthePCandexternaldevice headphonesandspeakerfunctionsmaybe limited Ifyouuseangledearphones itmaycauseaproblemwithconnectinganot...

Page 18: ...xitthemainmenu Joystick Button A B C A Mainmenudisabled Enablesthemainmenu Mainmenuenabled Exitsthemainmenu Holdingdownthebuttonmorethan5secondstoturnoffthe monitor Youcanturnoffthemonitorthiswayatanytime includingwhentheOSDison B Mainmenudisabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel Mainmenuenabled Entersthe Input features Entersthe Settings feature C Mainmenudisabled Displaystheinformationonthecurrentin...

Page 19: ...modeforgaming E Exit Exitsthemainmenu Menu Settings 1 ToviewtheOSDmenu pressthejoystickbuttonatthebottomofthemonitorandthenenterthe Settings 2 Movethejoystickup downandleft righttosettheoptions 3 Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems movethejoystickto orpressing it 4 IfyouwanttoexittheOSDmenu movethejoystickto untilyouexit QuickSettings Input Picture General NOTE On Off ...

Page 20: ...ings PC Force Shutdown DoyouwanttoforceshutdownyourPC Yes DoforceshutdowntoturnoffPCforcely No Canceltheselect Input Settings Input InputList Selectstheinputmode AspectRatio Adjuststheaspectratioofthescreen Thedisplaymaylookthesamefor FullWide and Original optionsattherecommendedresolution FullWide Displaysthevideoinwidescreen regardlessofthevideosignalinput Original Displaysvideoaccordingtotheasp...

Page 21: ...e Custom Allowstheusertoadjusteachelement Thecolormodeofthemainmenucanbeadjusted Vivid Optimizesthescreenfortheretailenvironmentbyenhancingthecontrast brightness andsharpness HDREffect Optimizesthescreenforhighdynamicrange Reader Optimizesthescreenforreadingdocuments YoucanbrightenthescreenintheOSDmenu Cinema Optimizesthescreentoimprovethevisualeffectsofavideo FPS ThismodeisoptimizedforFPSgames RT...

Page 22: ...ordingtothescreen Settings Picture Game Adjust ResponseTime Setsaresponsetimefordisplayedpicturesbasedonthespeedofthescreen Foranormal environment itisrecommendedthatyouuse Fast Forafast movingpicture itisrecommendedthatyou use Faster Settingto Faster maycauseimagesticking Faster Setstheresponsetimeto Faster Fast Setstheresponsetimeto Fast Normal Setstheresponsetimeto Normal Off Doesnotusetherespo...

Page 23: ...terthecolorsbecome Thehigherthevalue themoresaturatedanddarkerthecolorsbecome Settings Picture Picture Reset Doyouwanttoresetyourpicturesettings Yes Returnstothedefaultsettings No Canceltheselect General Settings General Language Setsthemenuscreentothedesiredlanguage SMARTENERGYSAVING Conserveenergybyusingluminancecompensationalgorithm High Savesenergyusingthehigh efficiency SMARTENERGYSAVING feat...

Page 24: ...ntofmenus PCPower ControlthePCPower On TurnonPCPower Shutdown TurnoffPCPower Information Thefollowingdisplayinformationwillbeshown SerialNumber TotalPowerOnTime Resolution PCPowerStatus Settings General PC Force Shutdown DoyouwanttoforceshutdownyourPC Yes DoforceshutdowntoturnoffPCforcely No Canceltheselect Settings General Reset to Initial Settings Doyouwanttoresetyoursettings Yes Returnstothedef...

Page 25: ...anufacturer Screen display is unstable and shaky Images displayed on the monitor leave shadow trails Didyouselecttheappropriateresolution IftheselectedresolutionisHDMI1080i60 50Hz interlaced thescreenmaybeflickering Changethe resolutionto1080portherecommendedresolution Notsettingthegraphicscardtotherecommended optimal resolutionmayresultinblurredtext a dimmedscreen atruncateddisplayareaormisalignm...

Page 26: ...utofthePCtothemonitoryouareusing Thesettingsmaydifferdependingonthe operatingsystem OS youuse PC You cannot turn on the power Checkifthepowercordisconnected Afterdisconnectingthepowercordandreconnectingit pressthepowerbuttonoftheproduct CheckPCpowerstatusunderinformationmenuonOSDandifitisn tactiveofit selectonunderPCpower menuunder General toturnonPCpower If the system freezes during use or does n...

Page 27: ...uredbyShenzhenHonorElectronicCo Ltd Output 19 5V 10 8A Environmental Conditions OperatingConditions Temperature 0 Cto35 C 32 Fto95 F Humidity Lessthan80 StoringConditions Temperature 20 Cto60 C 4 Fto140 F Humidity Lessthan85 Dimensions MonitorSize WidthxHeightxDepth 897 3x424x100 3 mm 35 3x16 6x3 9 inches Weight without packaging 8 8kg 19 4lbs Power Sources PowerRating 19 5V 8 0A PowerConsumption ...

Page 28: ... the model The user must not arbitrarily replace the memory Storage Device 128GBSSD Storage device size may differ depending on the model Bluetooth Bluetooth5 IfyouconnecttoBluetoothdeviceandwirelessLANatthesametime thesystemmaybecomeslow InordertouseBluetooth4 2 thedeviceyouwanttoconnecttoshouldsupportBluetooth4 2 Bluetooth specifications may differ by OS Wireless LAN Intel 9260NGW Manufacturers ...

Page 29: ...800x600 37 879 60 317 1024x768 48 363 60 0 1152x864 54 347 60 05 1280x720 45 60 1280x1024 63 981 60 02 1600x900 60 00 60 00 1680x1050 65 29 59 954 1920x1080 67 50 60 1920x1080 83 894 74 973 3440x1440 88 82 59 97 3440x1440 110 77 75 05 3840x1600 50 39 29 99 3840x1600 102 23 59 99 USB CPreferredtiming 3840x1600 102 24 60 HDMIPreferredtiming 3840x1600 128 69 75 ...

Page 30: ...W Specifications Wireless LAN IEEE 802 11 a b g n ac Frequencyrange Outputpower Max 2400to2483 5MHz 20dBm 5150to5725MHz 20dBm 5725to5850MHz 20dBm Bluetooth Frequencyrange Outputpower Max 2400to2483 5MHz 20dBm Asbandchannelscanvarypercountry theusercannotchangeoradjusttheoperatingfrequency Thisproductisconfiguredfortheregionalfrequencytable Forconsiderationoftheuser thisdeviceshouldbeinstalledandop...

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Page 32: ...donthebackandononesideoftheproduct Recordthembelowincaseyoueverneedservice Model SerialNo Supplier s Declaration of Conformity TradeName LG ResponsibleParty LGElectronicsUSA Inc Address 1000SylvanAveEnglewoodCliffs NJ07632 Telephone 201 266 2215 ...
