LGE Internal Use Only
Copyright © 2009 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
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5. RGB PC doesn’t display
Check P30 0 ,
Can you see t he normal wavefo rm?
may have problem. Rep lace th is Jack.
Check th e in pu t o f RGB Audio
switch (IC405 in th e Jack Bo ard ) ,
Can you see t he normal wavefo rm?
Check th e output of RGB Audio
switch (IC405 in th e Jack Bo ard ) ,
Can you see t he normal wavefo rm?
After ch eckin g th e Power of RGB Audio sw itc h,
you should decide to replace RGB Audio s witch
or not.
After ch eckin g th e Power of RGB Audio sw itc h
you should decide to replace RGB Audio s witch
or not.
Check th e output of Main IC(IC100).
Esp ecially you sh ould ch eck
The H,V sync and c loc k.
Can you see t he normal wavefo rm?
After ch eckin g th e Power of Main IC(IC100) you
should decide to replace Main IC or not .
This bo ard has b ig problem becau se Main
IC(IC100) have some troubles.
Afte r c hecking thoroughly all path once again,
You sh ou ld decid e to rep lace Main Bo ard or no t.