Freight Damage
Repairing Paint Scratches
It is the buyer’s responsibility to inspect goods thoroughly for apparent damage before accepting shipment.
Please do not refuse shipment. Rather, if there is any apparent damage to the unit or packaging, please clearly
note that damage (in specific detail) on the bill of lading when accepting delivery. Failure to note apparent
damage on the bill of lading or another shipment document may prevent the purchaser and Lab Furniture and
Fume Hoods from successfully pursuing a freight-damage claim.
Please contact Lab Furniture and Fume Hoods immediately in the event of apparent shipping damage, or in the
event of damage discovered upon un-packing the product (i.e., concealed damage). Carriers often impose rigid
timelines for making a freight damage claim. Accordingly, failure to inspect the package upon receipt and/or
failure to contact Lab Furniture and Fume Hoods immediately upon learning of freight damage may prevent the
purchaser and Lab Furniture and Fume Hoods from successfully pursuing a freight-damage claim.