Installation and Connection
3.4 Connection of the
Already small quantities of liquids (from the
vacuum chamber or the piping) can lead to
liquid damages within the pump. These may
lead to a deformation of the impellers and
may entirely destroy the pump. Suitable
protective measures should be provided as
required in the piping on the suction side
(separator, T-piece).
The RUVAC WA/WAU pumps have
been designed
to pump ignitable or
explosive mixtures without additional
If the pumps are none-the-less to be used
under such conditions, the customer
himself must ensure that proper measures
for the purpose of protection against
arresters etc.) are introduced, in line with
the requirements of the applicable laws.
Consult us for advice.
If not already done, remove the protective shipping
covers, cardboard pieces, foil or packing flanges from the
flanges (8/5) and (8/1).
We recommend that you retain the shipping flanges of
the pumps in case you want to store the pump at a later
Clean the flanges and check that the sealing surfaces
are in perfect condition.
Flange the pump to the vacuum system.
Don’t place any stress on the pump casing
when installing the intake and discharge
Fit compensation elements in order to avoid
such stresses.
When attaching the pump directly (without
bolting down the feet) to the forevacuum
pump, you must always use on the pressure
side the full number of screws defined by
the flange standard (ISO-K, DIN or ASA)
whereby these must comply with the
demanded property class rating.
You must also check whether the backing
pump is rigid and stable enough to support
the load of the RUVAC pump in each case.
The dirt-trap which is supplied with the pump should
always be fitted into the intake flange when there is the
possibility of contaminants entering the pump coming
from the vacuum chamber or the piping.
Even with clean vacuum processes, contaminants from
the system may enter upon initial start-up. Depending on
the operating conditions, the dirt trap may reduce the
pumping speed of the pump.
Observe the maintenance information provided in
Section 5.5.