Setting pumping speed and rotational speed
For the purpose of reducing the pumping speed of the
pump because of application requirements or for other rea-
sons it can make sense to reduce the rotational speed.
In order to permanently reduce the speed we recommend
the following procedure:
With the aid of a Windows PC and the PC software
“TURBO. DRIVE Server” change the setting for the parame-
ter 24 “Setpoint frequency”. The possible values for para-
meter 24 will depend on the type of pump connected.
Parameter 18 “Nominal pump frequency“ defines the maxi-
mum value and parameter 19 “Minimum setpoint frequency
for the pump” defines the minimum value.
So as to retain the value saved for parameter 24 when
switching the pump off, the parameter value needs to be
saved permanently. For this enter any value (for example 1)
for parameter 8. Thereafter changed parameters will be
saved permanently.
Parameters which are typical for the specific type of pump
(see Chapter 3.2.5) are reset to the factory defaults after
having changed the type of pump and when switching on
the power supply voltage again.
The rotational speed of the pump may be changed during
operation also with the aid of a Windows PC and the PC
software “TURBO.DRIVE Server”.
However, we here recommend a PLC compliant solution
with the aid of the Profibus. The speed can be set over the
Profibus in two ways:
by changing parameter 24 within the limits defined by
parameters 19 and 18 or
by transfer as the main setpoint (for this also refer to
VDI/VDE 3689).
17200492_002_A5 - 04/2011 - © Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum