Adding an Action Using the Insert Actions Wizard
Lets start with a simple example script that was created with ScriptWizard.
doc FaxablePostScript
with ConvertToDocument
with FaxByPrinter
.StationID="Mail Room"
This script receives new orders as TIFF images, converts them to PostScript, and faxes them to the
shipping department where the order is packed and shipped to the customer.
This script has one variable–FaxablePostScript. It has two Actions–ConvertToDocument and
FaxByPrinter. A profile is created for this script and placed on an MFP. When employees receive new
orders, they scan them on the MFP and select the profile to start this script.
This script is fine, but what if you want to keep a copy an electronic copy of the order for your records?
You can do this by adding another Action to your script.