14. S/PDIf LeD
Lights when a S/PDIF connection is detected. Note that S/PDIF communi-
cation is disabled unless a USB connection is established.
15. MOnItOr MIX KnOB
The I•ONIX U82S unit gives you the ability to hear your analog input
signals directly and immediately while recording without having to adjust
levels in software and before the delay caused by digital converters and com-
puter recording latency. This zero-latency analog monitoring is controlled
by the Monitor Mix knob, which you can use to adjust the blend between
the live analog inputs (called “Direct”) and any sounds coming back from
the computer via USB (“Playback”). To hear only the live source input sig-
nals plugged into the U82S, turn the Mix knob fully left to Direct. To hear
only the mix from the computer, turn the Mix knob fully right to Playback.
Any signal coming in on the S/PDIF input is converted to analog and sent
to the mix control so that you can monitor this input directly (via playback
only) just like an analog input. The output from the Monitor Mix control is
routed to the Main outputs and Headphone outputs.
16. uSB LeD
Lights when a USB connection is detected.