1 Barbie Shopping Cart / 30 fake coins / 40 fake bills / 1 purse / 12 fake food items and cans /
16 items cards / 8 printed boxes / 1 instruction manual
All packaging materials, such as tape, plastic sheets, wire ties and tags are not part of this
toy and should be discarded for your child’s safety.
Contents of the packaging
Every time you place an item into the cart, a “beep” sound effect
is played and the red LED on the top of the console flashes
2 times to indicate that you have picked up an item.
the item must cross the light sensor located on the back of
the console to make the “beep” sound effect.
Swipe the fake credit card through the card slot on the right
side of the cart to pay your items. The cart will play a fun double
“beep” sound effect and the little light beside the scanner will
flash twice.
Use the special seat and go shopping with your favourite Barbie
doll (not included)!
The Barbie Shopping Cart operates with 3X1,5V AA/LR6 alkaline type batteries (not included).
Ask an adult to help you to find and install the correct batteries.
1. Using a screwdriver, open the battery compartment cover located under the secret box.
2. Install the 3 AA batteries observing the polarity indicated at the bottom of
the battery compartment, and as per the diagram shown opposite.
3. Close the battery compartment and tighten the screw.
Battery Information
1.5V AA/LR6
1.5V AA/LR6
1.5V AA/LR6
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