The question marks represent the letters of the word you must guess. The
number at the right indicates the number of tries left. You have 9 chances to
guess the word.
For assistance, you can press
to reveal a letter; however, this will
use one of your tries.
Press a letter key to make your guess. When you key in a correct letter, it will
replace the question mark in the appropriate position.
If you type a letter that is not in the word, the screen will tell you ʻ
There is
no X
ʼ and reduce your tries by one. If you guess the same letter twice, the
screen will tell you ʻ
X already used
ʼ (without reducing your number of tries
left). If you guess all the letters before exhausting all your tries, you have
If your number of tries reaches zero, you have lost the game.
8.3 Anagrams
The display prompts you to select a word length.
Press the left or right arrow key repeatedly to decrease/increase the word
length (min. 3, max 13). Press
to confirm.
The display randomly shows a word on the first row and the challenge is to
enter a valid word that uses the same letters in a different order. You have 9
opportunities to do so:
Some words have several possible answers; if you enter one of these
possible answers, your answer is considered correct.
For example: angel, angle, glean all use the same letters to form 3 different
If you enter a wrong word, the unit displays the ʻ
Try again
ʼ message and
deducts 1 opportunity. If you guess the word before losing all your
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