1. Choose a position where the operator will be able to see the anchor and windlass when
using the AA150.
2. The console sho
uld be mounted on a flat surface at least 3ft (1m) away from any
equipment transmitting or cables carrying radio signals eg VHF radios, cables and
antennas or radar antenna and at least 6ft (2m) away from any SSB equipment.
3. The console should be mounted where it is protected from the elements. The AA150
is splash proof and should not be placed in a position where it is likely to be immersed in
4. The panel for mounting the instrument should be 3mm to 19mm (1/8 to 3/4 inch) thick.
The space behind the instrument panel must have a depth of at least 95mm (3.7inches).
5. Drill a 50mm (2-inch) hole in the
instrument panel in the selected location.
6. With the mounting bracket removed,
insert the instrument into the hole until the
back of the face plate is flush with the
outside mounting wall.
7. Slide the bracket over the body of the
instrument. N
ote: orient the bracket in
such a manner that it does not cover the
8. Tighten the mounting nut until the
bracket is secure.
Fig 7 Console Installation
Before starting check with the AutoAnchor manufacturer or supplier, that it is
possible to fit the sensor and magnet to your horizontal windlass.
For an accurate rope count the rode must run between the sensor and magnet. On
a horizontal windlass the magnet and sensor must be fitted by the oEM windlass
If it is not possible to have the sensor and magnet fitted to achieve this you can use the
chain only horizontal windlass installation above.
This provides an accurate count of
rode deployed but during retrieval the display may be incorrect because it cannot
allow for the stretch in the rope.
2.2.1 Multiple Console unit Installation
Two AA150 consoles can be installed to provide mult
iple stations or the AA150 can be
installed with other AutoAnchor products. All wiring for multiple AutoAnchor stations is
colour matched and run in parallel.
A T-adaptor and 2m extension cable are available for dual installations. Refer to the wiring
diagram and/or your supplier for details.
All cables must be connected.
Refer to the Wiring Diagrams.
Interlock protection is included in the system. Do not fit diodes or interlock devices as
these will prevent the system from operating correctly.
All battery and motor cables must be ring type, insulate
d to prevent short circuits and
installed no closer than 1ft (300mm) away from the sensor head.
All main power conductors and terminations are to be installed according to the windlass
manufacturer’s specifications. Seal terminals against moisture by spraying with CRC
[3013] Soft Seal or CRC [2043] Plasticoat 70. Insulation must be used to protect all
Insulation must be used to protect all
To reduce the potential for interference all cables must be located at least 1.5ft (500mm)
away from any equipment transmitting or cables carrying radio signals eg VHF or SSB
radios, cables and antennas or radar antennas.
Do not leave cables hanging loose, they must be
tied in place with cable ties.
Multiple Console wiring
: It is important when wiring multiple console installations that
potential differences do not occur along the ground connection. This can cause incorrect
counting. Ensure consoles are star grounded and that there are no other high current paths
between consoles.
All wiring for multiple installations is run in parallel.
Refer to wiring
diagrams for further details.
2.3 wIRING
2.5.3 CONNeCTION TO lOw CuRReNT wINdlAss dRIVes
When connecting to solid state switching or other low current windlass d
rives eg PlC or
AC variable frequency drives a dummy resistor load (Part # 9515) may be required to
provide sufficient loading and to meet EMC and safety considerations. The resistor pack
should be installed close to the windlass control
not on the AA150.
See the note below re wiring for multiple console installations.
For dual console operation, the sensor must be reset before calibrating the consoles. To do
this clear the counter to zero twice. Press and hold any button. The AA150 will beep and
clear within 4 seconds. rE will be displayed during the second clearing indicating the reset
is okay.