From time to time you have to
reload the batteries so you
are able to stand up counti-
nuously with your wheelchair.
Emergency cut-out switch
Trough pressing the red emergency cut-out switch on the right
side of the battery box the circuit will be interrupt and it will
stop the lifting of the seat in the case of an emergency (see
photo 21). You can switch on power again, by turning the red
emergency cut-out switch clockwise. The standing mechanism
is again ready to use.
We recommend pressing the emergency cut-out switch to switch off the power when the standing
mechanism will not be used or if the wheelchair is left unattended.
Please note:
You can also cut out the power by disconnecting motor/control panel leads to secure
the stand-up mechanism against unintentional or unauthorized switching on.
9. Batteries
Your wheelchair will be delivered with maintenance-free, rechargeable dry batteries. They do not
need any maintenance except for regular recharging.
With total loaded batteries you can stand up approximately 60 times.
A buzzer sounds to indicate when the batteries are down to 50 % of their full charge capacity. In
this case they have to be recharged immediately.
Make sure that the batteries are never completely unloaded over a longer
time! This could lead to a durable damage of the batteries!
The standing mechanism must not be activated while the
is plugged in to
the mains via the charger.