Network Camera User’s Manual
- Open communicates the key across the network.
- Shared allows communication only with other devices, which are
with identical WEP settings.
(5) Key length: The administrator can select the key length of 64 or 128 bits.
64 bits is the default setting.
(6) Key format: Choose one of the following formats. HEX is the default
- HEX digits consist of the numbers 0~9 and the letters A-F.
- ASCII is a code for representing English letters as numbers from
0-127 except “, <, > and space characters that are reserved.
(7) Default key/Network Key: Enter a key in either hexadecimal or ASCII
format. When selecting different key length, acceptable input length is listed
as following:
64 bits key length: 10 Hex digits or 5 characters.
128 bites key length: 26 Hex digits or 13 characters.
Note: When 22(“), 3C(<) or 3E(>) are input in network key, the key format
can’t be changed to ASCII format.
DDNS Setting
1. Enable DDNS: This option turns on the DDNS function.
2. Host Name: If the User wants to use DDNS service, this field must be filled.
Please input the hostname that is registered in the DDNS server.
3. E-mail: The E-mail field is necessary for logging in the DDNS server or notify
the User of the new IP address.
4. Register: Click on this button after filling in Host Name and E-mail to register
for DDNS service.
5. Finish: Click on this button to save
settings for the DDNS service.