Network Camera User’s Manual
2. Time Setting
(1) Time zone
Choose a time zone from the pull down menu.
(2) Daylight saving
Enable or disable daylight saving time.
(3) Current Time
Set the time of the network camera.
(A) Keep current date time
Click on this to keep the current date and time of the network camera. An
internal real-time clock maintains the date and time even when the power of
the system is turned off.
(B) Sync with PC
Synchronize the dat/ time of the network camera with the local computer.
(C) Manually set the time
Adjust the date and time manually.
(D) Adjust by NTP server
Synchronize the time according to NTP server over the Internet whenever
the Network Camera is switched on. It fails if the assigned time-server
cannot be found.
(a) NTP server: Assign the IP address or domain name of the time-server.
Leaving the text box blank connects the Network Camera to the default
time server.
(b) Update interval: Select 0 ~ 23 hours update with the time on the NTP
3. DI and Do Setting
Select Open or Ground to define the DO active state.
Remember to click on “Finish” to immediately validate the changes. Otherwise,
the correct time will not be synchronized.