VOI-8000 User’s Guide
To ensure your new settings are actually accepted, please check the configuration page carefully
after your submit the new settings. If the new settings are not present, it probably conflicts with
the old settings. Or, there is not enough space for storing your settings.
Please select Main Menu\Dial Plan\Phone/Hunt Group/Destination Settings, we can find
Phone/Hunt Group/Dest. Setting Menu
. We are doing VOI-8000 telephone address table
We can add (delete, find or list) desired telephone number mapping to hunt group at this menu.
Telephone Number Telephone number to match. This is only part of the total dialed string.
Hunt Group ID
For each hunt group ID, you need to assign it a unique identifier between
0 and 99.
Min. Digits
Minimum number of digits to be collected before the ATPM starting
matching the dial string with entries in the address table.
Max. Digits
Maximum number of digits to be collected before the ATPM starting
matching the dialed string with entries in the address table.
Strip Length
The number of digits to be stripped at the beginning of the collected dial
string before forwarding the string to the destination.
Append Prefix
(Optional) Digit to be added before the beginning of the collected dial
string before forwarding it to the destination.
Please select Main Menu\Dial Plan\Phone/Hunt Group/Destination Settings, we can find
Phone/Hunt Group/Dest. Setting Menu.
We are doing the VOI-8000 hunt group table