Commissioning and configuration
MA 248
Leuze electronic
Overview of the project modules
When using PROFINET-IO modules, the parameters are assembled dynamically, i.e., only
the parameters that were selected by the activated modules are changed.
The MA 248
has parameters (device parameters) that must always be present. These
parameters are defined outside of modules and are thus linked to the base module (DAP).
In the current version, several modules are available for use. A
device module
, see
Permanently defined parameters/device parameters) is used for basic configuration of the
MA 248
and is permanently integrated into the project. Further modules may be included
into the project according to requirements and application.
The modules fall into the following categories:
• Parameter module for the configuration of the MA 248
• Status or control modules that influence the input/output data.
• Modules that may include both parameters and control or status information.
A PROFINET-IO module defines the existence and meaning of the input and output data.
In addition, it defines the necessary parameters. The arrangement of the data within a
module is defined.
The composition of the input/output data is defined via the module list.
The MA 248
interprets the incoming output data and triggers the appropriate reactions in
the MA 248
. The interpreter for processing the data is adapted to the module structure
during initialization.
The same applies for the input data. Using the module list and the defined module proper-
ties, the input data string is formatted and referenced to the internal data.
During cyclic operation, the input data is then passed on to the controller.
During the startup or initialization phase, the MA 248
sets the input data to an initial value
(usually 0).
The modules can be grouped together in any order in the engineering tool. Note, however,
that many MA 248
modules contain related data. It is important to maintain the
of these data
The MA 248
offers different modules. Each of these modules may only be selected once;
otherwise, the MA 248
ignores the configuration.
The MA 248
checks its max. permissible number of modules. A maximum of 1024 bytes
can be used for both the input data and for the output data.
The specific limits of the individual modules of the MA 248
are declared in the GSD file.
The following module overview shows the characteristics of the individual modules: