Device description
MA 248
Leuze electronic
Device description
General Information to the connector units
The modular interfacing unit of the MA 2xx
family is a versatile gateway for integrating Leuze
RS 232 devices (e.g., BCL 22 bar code readers, RFID devices, RFM 32, …) into the respec-
tive fieldbus. The MA 2xx
gateways are intended for use in industrial environments with a
high protection class. Various device versions are available for the conventional fieldbuses.
With a stored parameter structure for the connectable RS 232 devices, commissioning
could hardly be simpler.
Characteristics of the connector units
A special characteristic of the MA 248
device family are three function modes:
Transparent mode
In this function mode, the MA 248
functions as a pure gateway with automatic com-
munication from and to the PLC. Absolutely no special programming by the user is
necessary for this purpose. The data is not buffered or stored temporarily, however.
Instead, it is "passed on".
The programmer must make certain to retrieve the data from the input memory of the
PLC at the right time, as it is otherwise overwritten by new data.
Collective mode
In this operating mode, data and telegram parts are temporarily stored in the memory
(buffer) of the MA and sent to the RS 232 interface or to the PLC in a telegram by means
of bit activation. In this mode, however, all communication control must be pro-
grammed on the PLC.
This function mode is helpful, for example, for very long telegrams or when one or
more codes with long code lengths are read.
Command mode
With this special operating mode, it is possible to use the first bytes of the data range
to transmit predefined commands to the connected device by means of bit activation.
For this purpose, device-dependent commands (so-called online commands) are pre-
defined via the device selection switch, see chapter 16 "Specifications for Leuze end