Disassembly of the pilot
supply filter
Disassembly of the manual
Disassembly of the remote
Disassembly of the piston
and disc
Disassembly of the luproseal
OC R20
Assembly of the O-Ring
disc / stainless steel disc
Assembly of the piston
and back up ring
Assembly of the luproseal
OC R20
Assembly of the piston
and disc
Assembly of the piston
and liner
Assembly of the piston
with liner and body
3 / 19
Assembly of the Main Valve | LESER GmbH & Co. KG | 05.06.2018 | Rev. 00
Assembly Instructions
Assembly of the pitot tube
Span body [1] with outlet on test
Insert pitot tube [2] in body [1]
Complete with tube [3] (depends on
nominal size)
Cover O-ring [63] (O-ring is 9,
19x2,62) with soapy water and pull
on fitting [4]
Make sure that O-rings are twist free
Screw fitting [4] in body [1]
While tightening fitting [4], align pitot
tube [2] in direction of inlet with pitot
tube assembly tool
Make sure that inlet of pitot tube is
aligned within approx. ± 5°
1. Steps
– Descriptions