Disassembly of the pilot
supply filter
Disassembly of the manual
Disassembly of the remote
Disassembly of the piston
and disc
Disassembly of the luproseal
OC R20
Assembly of the O-Ring
disc / stainless steel disc
Assembly of the piston
and back up ring
Assembly of the luproseal
OC R20
Assembly of the piston
and disc
Assembly of the piston
and liner
Assembly of the piston
with liner and body
17 / 19
Assembly of the Main Valve | LESER GmbH & Co. KG | 05.06.2018 | Rev. 00
Stick rollpin [10] into hole of liner [8]
Make sure that roll pin is orientated to
outlet flange
Put O-rings [60, 67] into groove of
liner [8] carefully
Lubricate studs with Molycote D paste
acc. to LID
Screw studs [55] into threaded holes
of body [1]
Place dome spring [52] in dome
Make sure that O-rings [60,67] do not
pop out of open groove
1. Steps
– Descriptions
Assembly Instructions
Assembly of the top plate