PS 1 – LCD
– the fastest way to get in touch!
Supplied at delivery are German and English. If desired Polish/ Czech/Italian/French can be
supplied. The language can even be adjusted when the service mode is deactivated.
5.0 Fault messages, possible malfunctions, corrections
Fault messages on the display
Message on Display
Possible cause
Thermal Fault 1
The controller contact of the according
pump initiates.
If the pump in use does not come with the
required thermal motor protection contact
the mode needs to be deactivated in the
menu (compare to 4.2.Thermal Fault 1,
Thermal fault 2).
Check the pump. If it is plugged, clean out the
foreign matter. Check the motor for sufficient
cooling (dry run).
Thermal fault 2
The limiting contact of the according
pump initiates.
If the pump in use does not have the required
thermal motor protection contact every
pump that is used needs to be bridged.
(compare to 6.3 Themal motor protection
Check the pump. If it is plugged, clean out the
foreign matter. Check the motor for sufficient
cooling (dry run).
After the pump has cooled off, push the
button “Quittung” in order to unlock the
Pump off
Phase 2 is missing or the control unit is
being operated without charge.
Check feed-in, pump cables, and pump
The level has exceeded the flood setting
Check pump for mode or high-water level
Contact for the high-water switch has
Check if pump/ floating switch are
Reverse signals
start/stop level
The settings for start and stop levels
Check level settings
Reverse signals
start/flood level
The settings for high-water alarm and start
level interfere
Check settings for level
Runtime error
Pumps run without interruption for longer
than the time set.
Check functioning of pump
Floating switch
Validation of floating switches, wrong
Check if floating switch is functioning and
check if it is connected to power correctly
Dry run protection
Contact for dry run protection has been
Check functioning of pump / floating switch
Interface < 3 mA
Signal of external level sensor lower than
3 mA
Check level sensor, Ex-barrier, and electrical
Please check control
The effective range of the external level
sensor has been changed. The level
settings lie outside the effective range.
Check settings for level
Rotating field
One or two phases are missing, or rather
the rotating field is not correct
Check if all 3 phases are adjacent and if the
rotating field is correct.
ATEX: level less than stop
The Atex mode has been activated and
the level lies below the stop level of the
chosen pump.
Before being able to activate the pumps, the
level in the Ex-area needs to rise over the stop
level of the pump.
As long as the pumps are not in the Ex-area,
the Atex mode can be deactivated in the