2013.06 / k
InstallatIon anD maIntenance
Variable speed motor or geared motor
3776 en -
1.5.2 - Standards (Emission)
the maximum emission level is set by the generic industrial (en 61000-6-4) and residential (en 61000-6-3) standards.
VaRmeca 30 conforms to the following standards:
en 61000-6-4 (en 50081-2), en 61000-6-3 (en 50081-1), en 61800-3 (ceI 61800-3).
Standard drive
With EMC filter option
Internal mounting
External mounting
en 61800-3
(ceI 61800-3)
Variable speed drive
environment with
Vma31m/32m ≤ 4 KHz
Vma31t/32t ≤ 4 KHz
Vma33t/34t ≤ 4.5 KHz
environment with
distribution (DeR)
Vma31m/32m ≤ 4 KHz
Vma31t/32t ≤ 4 KHz
Vma33t/34t ≤ 4.5 KHz
First environment
with unrestricted
distribution (R)
Vma31m ≤ 4 KHz
Vma32m* ≤ 4 KHz
Vma32m** ≤ 4 KHz
Vma31t/32t ≤ 4 KHz
First environment
with restricted
distribution (I)
Vma31t/32t ≤ 4 KHz
Vma31m ≤ 4 KHz
Vma32m* ≤ 4 KHz
Vma33t/34t ≤ 4.5 KHz
Vma32m** ≤ 4 KHz
en 61000-6-3
(en 50081-1)
Generic emission
for residential,
commercial and light
industrial environments
a.c. supply
Vma31m ≤ 4 KHz
Vma32m* ≤ 4 KHz
Vma32m** ≤ 4 KHz
Vma31t/32t ≤ 4 KHz
en 61000-6-4
(en 50081-2)
Generic emission
standards for the
industrial environment
a.c. supply
Vma31t/32t ≤ 4 KHz
Vma31m ≤ 4 KHz
Vma32m* ≤ 4 KHz
Vma33t/34t ≤ 4.5 KHz
Vma32m** ≤ 4 KHz
* for power ≤ 0.9 kW
** for power 1.1 kW & 1.5 kW
Vma 33/34t residential standard : contact tHe FactoRY
Range of switching frequencies : contact tHe FactoRY
For the new en 61800-3 standard april 2005, the drive distri-
bution classes (restricted and unrestricted) are replaced by
the drive classes (c1 to c4) defined with respect to drives
themselves and its specific application.
VARMECA motors are associated with SE categories C2
and C3, for applications category C1, contact the factory.
se = drive system
the categories are as follows:
se category c1
se for voltages less than 1000V, intended for use in the First
se category c2
se for voltages less than 1000V, which are not connected by
supply cable and plug, nor mobile equipment, and which, are
used in the First environment, and are intended to be instal-
led and put into service only by a professional
(person or
organisation having the necessary competence for the
installation and/or commissioning of power drive sys-
tems, including the aspects of EMC).
se category c3
se for voltages less than 1000V, intended for use in the se-
cond environment and not for use in the First environment.
First environment :
the first environment includes domestic premises. It also in-
cludes establishments directly connected without intermediate
transformer to a low voltage power supply network which sup-
plies buildings used for domestic purposes.
second environment :
the second environment includes all establishments other
than those directly connected to a low voltage power supply
network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.