To listen to the recordings made, you must enter into the Browser mode and
then enter the folder where the recordings are stored.
By means of the Explorer mode we can access any file or folder stored in the
player or into the memory card that has been inserted.
When entering this mode there appears a list with all the files and folders stored,
so we can select them with the stylus pen.
With the stylus pen we will go back through folders until we arrive to the main
menu again.
To delete a file:
Select the file you want to delete
- Hold the button
- In the next screen, press OK to confirm
This mode allows you to setup different options of your player.
- Repeat mode: allows to choose how to repeat the files played (one only
file, by folders, all the files, etc)
- Play mode: choose between order or shuffle play.
- EQ select: select the equalization type.
- User EQ Set: allows to adjust the equalization manually.