Drive Setup & Operation
4.4 Unlocking & Locking Controls
Registers #48 and #1 are used in Unlocking and Locking Controls.
• A write to Register #48 (Unlock Controls) with a value of 0 will unlock controls. This enables the writing
of Register #1 – the Drive Control Register and register #40 (keypad speed command).
Note: Terminal TB1 must be asserted in order to unlock serial control.
• If Register #48 (Unlock Controls) is written with a value that is the Drive’s Programming Password, then
in addition to Register #1(Drive Control), writing to all other writeable registers is enabled (e.g.: register
#81 -- Preset Speed #1). The factory default password for SCF series drives is 225.
• Once Register #48 (Unlock Controls) has been written, Controls are unlocked until Register#1 bit 1
(Lock Bit) has been written, Watchdog Timeout occurs or terminal TB1 is opened.
• Writing to Register #1 (Drive Control) with bit 1 set will Lock both Controls and Parameters (prevents
writing to any register).
• The serial drive control can be unlocked only if terminal TB1 is asserted and the drive is not in
programming mode.
• When LOCK is asserted, the drive drops out of SERIAL control and reverts back to the previous source
of control.
• Even though drive might be locked, and thus parameters and control cannot be written, parameters
and status can always be read. Refer to section 4.7,
Monitoring Only Operation.
4.5 Unlocking & Locking Programming Parameters only
Registers #49 and #1 are used in Unlocking and Locking Programming Parameters.
• Writing to any writeable register other than #1 and #40 (keypad speed) can be enabled by writing the
Drive’s Programming Password to Register #49 (Unlock Parameters). This would be done when Drive
Control (start, stop, etc.) and keypad speed control (reg.#40) is not required.
• The Factory Default password is 225.
• Once Register #49 (Unlock Parameters) has been written, the writing of parameter registers is unlocked
until Register #1bit 1 (Lock Bit) has been set.