Adjusting and Using your monitor 2-2
Health Administration
Prolong exposure to computer screens may cause temporary visual fatigue. Factors
including working environment, working habit and posture, screen flicker and blue light
contribute to this condition. To minimize visual fatigue certain adjustments can be made on
the work stations or using suitable computer screens with features that alleviate eye strain.
Visual fatigue is affected by the working environment. Glare reductions and appropriate
lighting situations help minimize this condition.
Glare reduction
Glare can be reduced by
Changing position of any light source that is causing the glare.
Fitting the light sources with appropriate diffusers or lampshade.
Using curtains or blind on windows to minimize glare from direct sunlight.
Adjusting monitor position to be perpendicular to the source of light or windows.
Using an anti-glare screen - ThinkVision monitors have anti-glare surface treatment that
scatters light for a reflection-free work usage.
Adequate lighting is necessary to avoid glare and eye fatigue. Excessive or insufficient
lighting makes the display on screen harder to see. Generally, lighting level should not
exceed 750 lux and levels ranging from 300 to 500 lux are most appropriate for computer
desk work. Recommended lighting arrangement includes positioning work stations away
from direct sunlight or using overhead lighting with baffles or louvers that reduces glare.
Working Habits
Long exposures to computer screens may cause eye strain. Symptoms include headache,
burning eyes, blurred vision and discomfort. To minimize eye strain, computer users can
adjust working habits to let their eyes relax and recover.
Break Times
Computer users should take some time away from the screen especially if working for
prolong hours. Generally, it is recommended to take short breaks (5 – 15 mins) after 1 –2
hours of continuous computer works. Taking short and frequent breaks is more advised
than longer breaks.
Looking at Distant Objects
Users often blink less when in front of monitor screen. To minimize eye strain and dryness,
users should rest the eye periodically by focusing on objects that are far away.
Eye and Neck Exercises
Certain exercise reduces eye strain and prevent early onset of musculo-skeletal disorders. It
is recommended to repeat these exercises often. However, should symptoms persists it is
recommended to consult a physician.