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C−Unit Diagram HS26−036/060−1Y, −048/−060−1G Three−phase (Late Models)
Operation Sequence
Cooling demand energizes thermostat terminal Y. Voltage from terminal Y passes through low pressure
switch and timed off control (T.O.C.), which energizes K1 compressor contactor coil (provided 5 minute delay
is satisfied.)
K1−1, K1−2 and K1−3 contacts close energizing B1 compressor and B4 outdoor fan.
When cooling demand is satisfied, K1−1, K1−2 and K1−3 contacts open de−energizing compressor and out
door fan. Timed off control begins 5 minute off time.
NOTE−Three−phase compressors must be phased correctly. Compressor noise will be significantly higher if phasing is
incorrect. Compressor will operate backwards so unit will not provide cooling. Continued backward operation will cause
compressor to cycle on internal protector.