Page 25
100% CFM
Switches 11 and 12 -- Heating Mode Blower Speed --
Switches 11 and 12 are used to select heating mode blowĆ
er motor speed. The unit is shipped from the factory with
the dip switches positioned for medium low (2) speed inĆ
door blower motor operation during the heating mode.
The table below provides the heating mode blower
speeds that will result from different switch settings. Refer
to tables 13 and 14 for corresponding cfm values.
Heating Mode Blower Speeds
Switch 11
Switch 12
1 - Low
2 - Medium Low
3 - Medium High
4 - High
On-Board Jumper W914
On-board jumper W914, which connects terminals DS
and R on the integrated control board, must be cut when
the furnace is installed with either the Harmony II zone
control board or the CCB1 EfficiencyPlus humidity conĆ
trol. Refer to table 15 for operation sequence in applicaĆ
tions including a G32V, CCB1 and single-speed outdoor
unit. Table 16 gives the operation sequence in applicaĆ
tions with a two-speed outdoor unit.
On-Board Jumper W951
On-board jumper W951, which connects terminals R and
O on the integrated control board, must be cut when the
furnace is installed in applications which include a heat
pump unit and the FM21 FuelMaster control board.
Factory-Installed Jumper Y1 to Y2
A factory-installed jumper from Y1 to Y2 terminals on the
integrated control board terminal strip must be removed if
two-stage cooling will be used.
Diagnostic LEDs (DS1 and DS2)
Two diagnostic LEDs are located on the two-stage, variĆ
able speed integrated control just to the left of the first
bank of dip switches. The LED flashes correspond with
diagnostic codes detailed on page 35.
Status LEDs (HEAT, HI/LO, ON/OFF and CFM)
The integrated control includes four LEDs which indicate
operating status. The green ON/OFF LED is lit any time
the blower is operating. The green CFM LED indicates
the blower motor speed. Count the number of blinks beĆ
tween the two-second pauses to determine the CFM.
Each blink represents approximately 100 CFM. The yelĆ
low HI/LO LED is lit when the W914 (DS to R) jumper
been clipped for CCB1 or Harmony operation. The
yellow HEAT LED is lit when the indoor blower is operatĆ
ing at the HEATING speed.