Time & Date
To set the clock and date
Press <Directional Left/Right> buttons to move the cursor.
Press <Directional Up/Down> buttons to input value.
Time zone setting
is needed to calculate the correct duration for book
borrowing / returning.
Device Standby
To enable / disable auto standby mode.
Press the <Power> button to manually set the reader to standby
Press the <Power> button once to wake up the reader from
standby mode.
Format Memory
Whe you format the internal memory and the memory card, all data
will be lost. Please backup your data before performing this.
About Product
Displays the product information of the Reader.
Power Management
Displays the real time battery status of the Reader.
Restore Factory Defaults
When you restore the reader’s settings to defaults, all settings will be
restored. All DRM contents and activation will be deleted. You are
required to authorize the reader again through ADE after a system
To set the system language of the reader.
Screen Rotation
To set screen rotation mode to auto or manual mode.
User’s Manual
To use the BK9002 User manual for reference.