For more information on how to create a custom NIT table please refer to “Lemco NIT
creation guidelines.pdf” document in Lemco’s website.
For each multiplex output the user can setup the following settings:
TS ID: Which is the ID No of the specific multiplex (1…65535)
Net ID: Which is the Net ID No of the specific multiplex (1…65535)
Original Net ID: Which is the Org. Net ID No of the specific multiplex (1…65535)
Network Name: Which is the network name of the specific multiplex
NIT: Choose from Global, Basic, Default and Custom
LCN provider: Choose the appropriate LCN provider (EACEM, ITC, Nordig, APN)
4.2.8 - “NIT” page
In this section (Figure 12), the user is able to create custom NIT table for each of the
four outputs of the device. Moreover, this section offers the ability to export / import
a NIT table..
Figure No 12