The LELY HIBISCUS 725 and 805 (fig. 1) are pull type, double
cam rakes for central delivery. The machines have 2 rotors with 11
tine arms, each equipped with 4 double tines.
The tines give a clean sweep and move the grass to the centre in an
airy windrow.
The working and swathwidth of the machine can be adjusted in two
The wheel assembly comprising 4 tyres ensures an excellent raking
operation of the rake also when working in undulating fields.
The HIBISCUS 725 cam rake can be supplied in 2 basic models:
725 Classic and 725 Master, the HIBISCUS 805 cam rake is Only
available in the Master model.
The HIBISCUS Classic model comes as standard with oilbath-
lubricated rotors, non-detachable tine arms, fixed protection
brackets as well as a fixed wheel assembly (fig. 2). The wheel
assembles fitted on the HIBISCUS Classic model comprise of
double tyres.
SA - Steering Axle - is available as an option for the HIBISCUS 725
Classic cam rake.
The HIBISCUS Master cam rake is fitted with grease- lubricated
and segmented rotors, detachable tine arms and telescoping
protection brackets to ensure a lower transport and storing height
(fig. 3).
As standard, the Master model is equipped with steering wheel axles
and a tandem wheel assembly. The rotors themselves come with a
cam adjustment facility, which allows adaptation of the lifting and
descending movements of the tines to prevailing circumstances.