Rugby 410/420 DG
Troubleshooting Suggestions
Whenever there are questions regarding your laser, check the basics first.
Mode of operation - automatic, manual, manual with grade.
Battery status
Warning Screens - H.I., servo limit, temperature, adjustment.
Head speed setting
Beam mask setting
If none of the above suggestions results in a solution, contact your local
dealer or nearest authorized service center.
Possible Causes and Solutions
No beam
The Rugby beam is infrared (Rugby 410 DG
only) and invisible to the human eye.
Check with a receiver to verify.
No self-leveling
Check the basics above.
Cannot change
Check the basics above.
Check the other axis.
Check operation in manual mode.
Check if at grade limit.
Loss of distance
Check the window surfaces.
Check with a different receiver.
At extended distances, decreasing the head
speed may improve performance.
Head rotates slowly •
Check the basics above.
In low battery mode the Rugby will rotate
slowly (7 RPS) to trigger the laser low battery
function on the RE Pro.
Grade stakes do not
match the laser
Check for proper alignment of the axes.
Check level accuracy of the laser.
Check the grade stakes to verify their accu-
racy or to determine if they have moved.
Beam masking not
saved when laser is
turned off
Set up this preference in the second set-up
Remote will not turn
Check and replace the batteries.
Remote will not
communicate with
the laser.
Check that remote capability is enabled on the
laser. (see small icon on the main display)
Check remote battery status.
Reduce distance and try again.
At longer distances, ensure the remote is in
“line of sight” of the laser.
Reposition the remote at a different angle to
improve the internal antenna reception.