Updated 5/23/19
a. Add new blotting paper and secure using magnetic ring. Mark blotting paper with pencil to track
rotation of paper. Switch blotter paper every 4 grids.
Load forceps with carbon side facing the
blotting papers (tweezer needs to grab a
significant portion of the grid to ensure good
blotting; see image →)
Select “Lower chamber/R”
d. Add 3 uL sample to right side of grid
e. Incubate 30 seconds
Select “Rotate home, Blot/A-Plunge”
g. Transfer grid to box
h. Repeat a - f until done.
If you are the last user for the day, then continue to steps below. If not, then top off nitrogen in dewar, cover
nitrogen dewar with a kimwipe (to prevent frosting) and let next user know you are done.
● Remove forceps, wipe them down and put in storage
● Empty water from humidifier
● Open environmental chamber door
● Discard blotting paper and store magnetic ring
● Remove both cryogen containers and transfer to fume hood
● Discard H2O from chamber for
before initiating Backout
● Click “Bake Out” for 1 hour (default)
● This takes ~ 2 hours total
● When bakeout done, lower chamber and turn machine off
Above photo is H2O
holding Chamber, H2O must be
discarded during bakeout or for
next user when not baking out.