Poollift Delphin page 3
1. Introduction
Thank you for choosing our product
Poollift Delphin
. The Poollift serves as a valuable support for
entering and exiting a swimming pool. It enables disabled persons or wheelchair users to refresh
themselves or e.g. to perform medicative water aerobics.
Your Poollift has been developed and constructed by experienced professionals and therefore its
functionalty is ensured.
Please read this manual carefully before using the Poollift.
2. Technical Specifications
Poollift Delphin
is powered by water pressure.
The required water pressure at a load of 85 kg is 0,3 Mpa. For a maximum load of 120 kg it is
necessary to have a water pressure of min. 0,4 MPa. In most homes the water pump provides the
necessary amount of 0,4 MPa.
The fastening of the Poollift is suitable for different types of swimming pools.
The Poollift is deliverd with a recessed or a screwed panel. Both options can be accomplished with a
extended C-tube, if the distance between the edge of the pool and the fastening point of the panel is
wider than 350 mm.
The seat rotates automatically 90° to the entry and the exit point.
The operating lever on the entry level as well as on the exit level (in the water) ensures that the
access and the exit is possible without any further help by another person
Used materials
Stainless steel AISI 316L V4A (cylinder, tube, pillars, sockets, outlet)
Polypropylen (seat)
Rubber (seat)