Warranty Information
Watt Sto p p e r / L e g rand warranties its products to be free of defects in mate r i a l s
and workmanship for a period of five ye a rs. There are no obligations or
liabilities on the part of Watt Sto p p e r / L e g rand for consequential damages
arising out of or in connection with the use or perfo r m a n ce of this product or
other indirect damages with respect to lo ss of pro p e r t y, revenue, or profit, or
co st of re m oval, installation or re i n sta l l a t i o n .
Units come in White (-W), Light Almond (-LA), Ivory (-I), Gray (-G), Black (-B).
Add color designator to catalog number when ordering.
* One ASP-211 Cover Plate for single gang box is included with each switch.
2800 De La Cruz Bouleva rd, Santa Clara CA 95050
Te c h n i cal Support: 800.879.8585 • www. w a t t sto p p e r. co m
07143r1 11/2006
Catalog #
Ultrasonic wall switch sensor; 120/230/277VAC, 50/60Hz
UW-100-347 Ultrasonic wall switch sensor; 347VAC, 50/60Hz
Ultrasonic dual relay wall switch sensor;
120/230/277VAC, 50/60Hz
Blank cover plate for 2-gang box
Switch option cover plate for 2-gang box
Lights do not turn OFF
1 . T h e re can be up to a 30 minute time delay after the last motion is
d e te c ted. To verify proper operation, set DIP switch 1 to ON, then re s e t
s w i tches 1, 2 and 3 to OFF to start Te st Mode. Move out of view of the
s e n s o r. The lights should turn OFF in approx i m a te ly 5 seco n d s .
2 . Verify that the sensor is mounted at le a st six feet (2 mete rs) away fro m
any heating/ventilating/air conditioning dev i ce that may cause fa l s e
d e tection.
3 . Verify that the Ultrasonic Sensitivity trimpot is not pointing at “ove r r i d e ”
( g reen LED is always ON). If so, ro ta te the trimpot to it’s middle setting
(pointing up). The override setting allows users to opera te the sensor as a
s e r v i ce switch in the unlike ly event of a fa i l u re.
4 . Verify that DIP switches 1,2, and 3 are not set to “override” (all switc h e s
ON). If they are, change them to an appro p r i a te Time Delay setting.
5 . If the lights still do not turn OFF, call 800.879.8585 for te c h n i cal support.
Sensing motion outside desired areas
A d j u st the Ultrasonic Sensitivity. Rota te trimpot co u n te rc lockwise to
re d u ce sensitivity.